Didi Almeyda
Author, Former Journalist & Indonesia’s Animal Whisperer
Diah Ayu Sekar Arum, commonly known as Didi Almeyda, is a former journalist. Writing has been her passion since elementary school, which led her to pursue a degree in print journalism from University of Indonesia.
Didi has always been an animal lover. This fascinating world of animals led Didi to engage in voluntary work, communities, and connecting with like-minded individuals. In 2017, alongside four others, she co-founded Leo n Vets Clinic. Running the clinic on a community-based model allowed Didi to stay immersed in her beloved animal world and her passion for community. Currently, Didi serves as the Vice CEO at PT Lentari Erah Obyor (LEO), overseeing the entire Leo n Vets Clinic network spanning seven locations. LEO animal clinic is supported by two animal laboratories, two animal pharmacies, a cat hotel, and two grooming facilities.
Within Leo n Vets Clinic, Didi also assumes the role of Animal Companion Advisor. Simply, she is an Animal Communicator. She bridges the gap between humans and animals through her non-verbal communication skills.
Didi’s love for cats and writing allowed her to publish her first book under the biggest publishing company in Indonesia, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, in 2013. Didi Almeyda is the pen name she used when publishing “Pacoh Ketika Kucing Bicara,” a book that tells the dual perspectives of Didi, narrating her cats and Pacoh, about his human. “Pacoh Semua Mau Bicara” and “Miraculin” are other books she published under major publishing the following year. In 2019, Didi independently published “Pengabdi Kucing.” Furthermore, she contributed to an anthology, “Cerita Kucing,” in 2021.