Dr Okan Geray

Strategic Planning Advisor, Smart Dubai

Dr. Okan Geray has more than 20 years of experience in management consulting in various industries. He has consulted for a number of organizations in Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, South Africa, Turkey and Dubai. He has worked in A.T. Kearney global management consulting firm for 6 years and was a member of global Telecommunications and High Technology core team before he joined Dubai Government in 2002. He has worked as the strategic planning consultant in Dubai eGovernment, Dubai Smart Government, and more recently in Smart Dubai Office after its establishment. His responsibilities include Strategic Planning, Strategic Performance Management and Policy Making.

He was the Co-Chair of Enhancing Innovation and Participation Working Group in United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) joint global initiative by ITU and UNECE. This working group addressed Smart Governance, Smart Economy and Smart People aspects in smart cities. He is currently leading two deliverables globally in U4SSC; namely “Guidelines on Strategies for Circular Cities” and “City Science Application Framework”.

He is the Co-Chair of “Data Economy Impact, Commercialization and Monetization” Working Group in ITU Focus Group on Data Processing and Management. He is also the Co-Rapporteur of ITU Study Group 20 Question 7 on “Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and Communities”.

He holds double major B. S. degrees in Industrial and Computer Engineering from Bosphorus University in Istanbul Turkey, an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. degree in Systems and Control Engineering from University of Massachusetts in US. He has published journal and conference papers and has been an adjunct lecturer in management for 15 years.