Prashant Kapoor

Chief Industry Specialist, Green Buildings and Climate-Smart Cities World Bank Group (IFC)

A champion of sustainable built environments, Prashant Kapoor, is a passionate advocate for sustainable solutions that align the interests of businesses, financial institutions, governments and civil society.

He is the entrepreneur who created EDGE- A software application, certification system and an investment approach to mainstream resource-efficient building growth in emerging markets. Under his leadership, IFC has created a green portfolio of commercial and residential buildings that total more than $6 billion, both directly and through financial intermediaries. He has played a critical role in developing national green building codes around the world.

He is currently leading the piloting of APEX (Advance Practices for Environmental Excellence in Cities) Program that supports cities to transitioning to low-carbon and resource-efficient growth pathways. https://www.apexcities.org/ APEX is an interactive tool that allows cities to map out different action plans and evaluate their cost, feasibility, and impact.

Before joining IFC, He was a director at WSP consultants in London. There he led the engineering planning of Masdar City, an innovative zero-carbon city under construction in Abu Dhabi, and developed the Dubai Urban Development Framework, including a green building regulatory system for the city.

Prashant holds architecture degrees from Manipal Institute of Technology (India) and a master’s degree from Oxford Brooks University (UK).