Shane Bhatla
Associate Director, Equal Asia Foundation

Shane Bhatla (he/they) is a non-binary disabled activist and serves as the Associate Director for Equal Asia Foundation, an LGBTIQ+ think-tank and innovations incubator based in Thailand, and sits on the advisory panel of Access For Everyone. Shane’s advocacy is mainly focused on trans and disability issues, where they’ve worked tirelessly to destigmatize conversations surrounding mental well-being within the transgender and disabled communities. Shane’s journey is characterized by resilience and a passion for dismantling societal barriers. Their expertise is accumulated experience of 8 years in the non-profit industry. Some notable projects are making regional LGBTIQ+ conferences accessible, hosting one of the first roundtables in Thailand on the intersectionality of LGBTIQ+ and disability, and developing a media publication featuring photos of LGBTIQ+ disabled people. He’s currently working on a project to build better competency of suicide hotline crisis workers on LGBTIQ+ and disability issues.