News roundup: Manila’s WORLDBEX 2024 a global showcase on construction and design, and other headlines
Manila’s WORLDBEX 2024, Alejandro Haiek interview, Aussies rank sleep important in hotel stay
Manila’s WORLDBEX 2024, Alejandro Haiek interview, Aussies rank sleep important in hotel stay
From rotating homes to inclusive public areas, the future of architecture is in motion
Climate-resilient architecture navigates challenges and embraces biophilic design for a sustainable future
Tech-driven transformations are revolutionising real estate, construction, and sustainability
Indonesian entrepreneurs Ovy Sabrina and Novita Tan have made a meaningful mark with their firm Rebricks
Construction explores the advantages, challenges, and future prospects of additive manufacturing
The resource provides a key solution for lowering carbon emissions and promoting environmental advantages
The construction industry is undergoing a digital transformation with the help of AI and machine learning technologies
Traditional construction is presented with the opportunity to step back while modular construction takes over
The use of the method has been growing in frequency, especially because of the benefits it gives
In order to achieve sustainable buildings, the structure should come from sustainable materials
Real estate developers in Thailand are engaging with civil society to improve migrant worker welfare
A smart city builder in Sri Lanka and a veteran Japanese engineering corporation make this year’s summit a success
These structures enable us to live a more comfortable lifestyle in cities, but we must not forget its drawbacks during construction
Thought leaders discuss how technology can be beneficial if used to its maximum potential