PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit concludes ninth edition, focusing on ‘Powering Communities’
Global thought and industry leaders joined this year’s summit to tackle the future of cities
Global thought and industry leaders joined this year’s summit to tackle the future of cities
The technology conference concludes with resounding success
Sustainability advocates and diversity champions lead thought-provoking conversations on inclusivity and smart solutions
PropertyGuru hosted two private screenings of Liter of Light’s documentary, “Theory of Light” in Bangkok, Thailand
Data-driven insights underpin timely conversations on proptech, green building, urban resilience, smart cities, and sustainability
A smart city builder in Sri Lanka and a veteran Japanese engineering corporation make this year’s summit a success
The PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit aims to inspire, innovate, and educate people from all around the world
Join the data revolution on 8 December 2021
Rural electrification is one of the solutions to help bring electricity to remote and rural areas
Older homes can be upgraded to become energy efficient with features such as air-sealing or LED lighting
Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant, as well as is fire resistant and 2.5 times the strength of steel
Businesses should be able to provide people with sustainable solutions that are affordable
This type of construction is not only greener but they’re also built faster and smarter
Townships not only create jobs, but also support better mental health, prompt economic growth, and foster happiness
Green buildings are said to be lucrative investments, offering USD24 trillion in emerging markets
Global experts will deliver insights and practical studies on proptech, smart cities, and sustainable development Now marking its seventh year, the virtual summit will open on 8 December 2021 during
Sustainable buildings not only provide advantages for tenants but landlords and other stakeholders as well
The right tools and technology can help build sustainable buildings according to each country's needs
Developing countries still face challenges for going green, but more organisations and programmes are lending a hand
The Asia Pacific proptech market has shown unpredictable trends, but it is gradually catching up
The four pillars of sustainability and ways to achieve a sustainable future
With 82% of Singaporeans willing to consider paying more for eco-friendly homes, PropertyGuru champions sustainable urban living
Experts provided insights on how F&B operators managed and survived COVID-19, as well as shared the importance of e-commerce and contactless services during such a time
Minister Tang examines their leadership in collaborative governance, sustainable infrastructure, and open innovation